Frequently Asked Questions

Shipping to your location is calculated at checkout. Most orders will be sent as parcels which usually come out around $5 in the US, and (unfortunately) about $15 internationally.

If your order contains only stickers and/or prints that are 5x7" or smaller, your order will have the option for letter shipping for around $2! These don't have tracking numbers, but you always have the option to upgrade to tracked shipping

I accept credit/debit cards, and PayPal.

Orders are usually processed in 5-7 business days. I do my best to adhere to this, though as a one person team it may sometimes be slightly longer. You should recieve an email with your tracking number (if applicable) when your order goes out!

Please email me at for help with your order! Be sure to include your name and order number so I can find your info and help get things worked out.

Please contact me if you're interested in getting something tattooed, and I can get you a tattoo ticket for around $20, and a high quality file for your tattoo artist to reference!

Yes I do! Please check out my products on Faire or email me at for more information.

I'm not offering customized versions of my items at this time. If you would like to commission me, visit this page!

Yes, I can! My commissions are open, and all of the info can be found here
